Everyone prepares differently and has a different presenting style. The points below are to be taken as suggestions of what works for many people, not as instructions applicable to everyone.
Preparing your talk
Think about the structure – the intro, the body of the talk and the conclusion
Tell a story
Prepare a take-home message – the one thing that you want people to remember
Make what you’re saying relevant to the lives of the audience members
Give context to what you are saying
Use humour only when appropriate – don’t force it
Make your opening engaging – it sets the tone of your talk
Make people think ‘I want to know more’
Avoid jargon and being over-scientific – find simpler synonyms
Don’t say too much – there’s only so much an audience can absorb
Try your talk out on someone without a science background (friends or family)
Make sure you fit into the time limit (3 minutes)
Practise, practise, practise
Giving your talk
Take your time walking on stage
Don’t start speaking the second you walk on stage - make a short pause before you start
Don’t be too stiff – assume natural stances
Don’t step back and forth pointlessly – it’s distracting
Make your gestures bigger on stage
Avoid monotony – especially in your voice
Make eye contact with the whole room, not just one side
Visual aids are NOT the presentation! They’re a tool to SUPPORT it!
Visual aids SHOULD:
Have a purpose
Be visible to everyone in the audience
Reinforce your key message
Illustrate difficult concepts
Visual aids should NOT:
Distract from what you’re saying
Be confusing or too complicated
Be indiscernible – be especially careful where writing is involved
What grabs and holds the audience’s attention
New interesting information
Your passion about the subject
Humour (i.e. jokes, anecdotes, etc.)
Suspense and surprise
Connection to everyday life
Show your passion for science. Make us care.
Enjoy it! Love it! This is your moment!